Previous Projects

Scanning electron microscope image of nanofibers

Students participated in electrospinning, chemical and mechanical characterization techniques, and interacted with KBIC. Students learned about the challenges of manufacturing and the importance of translational research, health, and economic impact of shortages in medical supplies and making an impact within a community.

Students collaborated with KBIC to collect and analyze water, sediment, soil, and plant samples to understand the movement of metals in wild rice at Sand Point Sloughs wetlands. In addition to sampling, extraction, and analytical methods for environmental samples, students learned to calculate human health risks from exposure to toxic metals. This is a multi-year project.

Students tested different adhesive chemistries for use in wet conditions and underwater. The range of the electrical parameters and chemical conditions required to trigger a response from the adhesives was tested. Students determined the strength of the adhesives and monitored the chemical changes in response to external stimuli.

Students assessed the lighting conditions in the hatchery at KBIC. They designed and developed a prototype with LED lights controlled by an open-source electronics platform with a timer. Students worked closely with the hatchery to identify low power, low light illumination options to allow undisturbed operation throughout the day.

Students participated in the software implementation of a communication system and gained an understanding of the high cost of design and implementation of an underwater system. Using an existing system, the students worked with graduate students to establish wireless communication between two systems in the laboratory.

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